Thursday, 29 March 2012

Oh yes

The prints, the aztek, the colours, the nails, the bracelets - I cannot WAIT for Summer!

Inspired to embroider

This gorgeous peice of embroidery has inspired me to get going again.
I have a rather long train ride coming up for the Easter weekend 
(London to a Scottish island is a long treck!) 
& intend to rediscover my love for embroidery on my travels.
The petals on here are done using ribbon, as are the leaves, I think it looks beautiful.

Lets lounge love

I am a sucker for a 50's dress.
I wish I could look this good whilst lounging - 
although they don't look awfully comfortable...

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

This makes me smile

I wish I could sleep on it!

Ellie Saab - GENIUS

This collection is so beautiful, I can't get over the detail, the embroidery and 
how the dresses move, I was mesmerized.
 I watched the whole show online in a daze of awe, gasping as each new dress in each perfect colour & cut floated down the catwalk, my eyes couldn't move from the embellishment. 
If I ever get to touch or (dare I dream) try on one of these beauties I will die happy! 
I love the way there is a colour she sticks on for a few dresses and 
then fades it into the next colour, my favourites are the pure white dresses the show opens with.


You need to watch it to see how they move - thats the true beauty!

Ellie Saab, congrats - I am a true fan. 

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Happy March!

I really love this & want to make my own, its called 39 squares and I found it on Pinterest (my favourite website for inspiration/ time wasting!) 
Pinterest is a virtual pinboard where people 'Pin' stuff they like and make different boards, its perfect for when you are lying in bed with your laptop and want to look at something cute/ pretty/ cool or if you want any ideas for everything from decorating rooms & hairstyles to cooking & weddings!
(I recently got one of my best friends - Claire - hooked since she is getting married this October)
Honestly, I am about as addicted as I am to Crunchy Nut Cornflakes! 
So go on - Pin it!